Research Areas of Interest

Empirical Operations Management
Behavioral Operations
Socially Responsible Operations
Service Operations
1. Don’t Fake It If You Can’t Make It: Driver Misconduct in Last-Mile Delivery (2024)
Accepted in Management Science. Arora S., Choudhary V., Kireyev P.
First Runner-up, CSOM Best Student Paper, POMS 2024
Working Paper and Work in Progress
2. Unraveling the Implications of Silent Labor Time (SLT) in the Gig Economy
In preparation for submission. Arora S., Choudhary V., Hasija S., Gorban I., Turki S., Shekhani A.
Winner, Best Paper Award (Student), Singapore Rising Scholar Conference 2024
3. Barriers and Bridges: Facilitating Doctors’ Adherence to Practice Guidelines
NDA completed and IRB approved (Analysis in progress). Arora S., Freeman M., Thomas T.
4. Leveraging Internal Carbon Pricing in Shaping Sustainable Business Choices by Managers
NDA completed (Data collection in progress). Arora S., Atasu A., Van Wassenhove, L.N.
5. Impact of Abuse on Healthcare Worker Efficiency and Turnover
NDA in progress. Arora S., Freeman M., Bundele A., Mukhopadhyay A.
6. Workforce Stability in EV-as-a-Service for Last-Mile Delivery
NDA completed (Data collection in progress). Arora S., Borthakur S.
Other Publications
7. Adaptive Selection of Cryptographic Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks using Evolutionary Game Theory. Arora S, Singh P, Gupta AJ (2016). Procedia Computer Science 78:358–366.
8. Performance Comparison of Executing Fast Transactions in Bitcoin Network Using Verifiable Code Execution. Singh P, Chandavarkar BR, Arora S, Agrawal N (2013). 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Security. (IEEE, Mangalore), 193–198.

I am passionate about studying the interplay between behavior, process design, incentives, and technology and its impact on system performance. Even as we move toward an increasingly automated world, the nuances of human behavior often dictate the success or failure of operational systems. By focusing on these nuances, my work aims to provide a more grounded and enriched understanding of making operations more efficient, equitable, and humane.